Generally, follow the guidelines of the catalogue of works by Gregor Joseph Werner, with the following exceptions:
- The name of the XML file is
- Work, identification
- TumW: number according to this catalogue
- BalTh: number in the thematic catalogue by Ball (1900)
- KliCh: number in the thematic catalogue by Klinka (1975)
- PesMa: number in the thematic catalogue of masses by Peschek (1956)
- ReiMa: number in the thematic catalogue of masses by Reichert (1935)
- VogIn: number in the thematic catalogue by Vogg (1951)
Ball, O. (1900).
Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Franz Tuma, 1704-1774]. Universität Wien. Retrieved from
Klinka, T. M. (1975). The choral music of Franz Ignaz Tuma with a practical edition of selected choral works (PhD thesis). The University of Iowa.
Peschek, A. (1956). Die Messen von Franz Tuma (1704–1744) (PhD thesis). Universität Wien.
Reichert, G. (1935). Zur Geschichte der Wiener Messenkomposition in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts (PhD thesis). Universität Wien.
Vogg, H. (1951). Franz Tuma (1704–1744) als Instrumentalkomponist nebst Beiträgen zur Wiener Musikgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts (PhD thesis). Universität Wien.