
0.9.0 – 2025-01-18


  • works: TumW C.3.23–26, D.2.4, E.4.3, and I.23–27
  • incipits: TumW C.3.3, D.1.2 (Lauda Jerusalem), and D.3.1
  • metadata: TumW C.3.3 and D.3.1
  • sources:
    • A-Ws
    • H-Gk (details in metadata of TumW D.3.7)
    • CZ-K 273 K I
  • acknowledgements for A-Ws and H-Gk
  • reference Freeman 1971
  • concordances of previous catalogues to TumW in the appendix


  • TumW D.2.4–20 have been renumbered to D.2.5–21.
  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.11.0

0.8.0 – 2024-12-16


  • works: TumW C.3.L3–11, C.4.L2+3, C.5.S1, C.6.1, D.1.L2, D.2.L1/2, D.3.L1/2, D.4.L1+2, E.4.L1/2, E.5.1–6, G.L2–12, I.L3–5, J.L4–9, and K.L6–8
  • incipits for TumW A.35, C.2.1, C.4.5, C.5.S1, C.6.1, E.5.5, H.2, and J.19
  • metadata for TumW A.17/27/35, C.2.1/5–7, C.3.1/2/4–13/15/17/18/20, C.4.5, D.2.5-8/17, D.3.6, E.2.8, E.4.2, E.5.5, F.1–3, G.7/18, H.1/2, I.1/4/6-8/13/15/16, J.6/13/14, and K.2/9
  • sources:
    • A-H inventories
    • A-KN
    • CZ-K
    • TumW F.2: I-Rsc A-Ms 523
    • TumW G.14: CZ-Pak 1518
    • TumW I.11: A-M V/1438
  • references: Armstrong 1993, 2004, Bardos 1980, Czernin 1995, Esterházy inventory 1812/13, Fischer 1912, Herzogenburg inventories A and B, Hornbacher 2023, Klosterneuburg inventories A, B, and E, Radant 1982, Preisl 2022, Schmid 1901, and Tichý 2019
  • subgroups: D.5 Introits and F.5 Sub tuum praesidium
  • an appendix Inventories, which contains tables describing the Herzogenburg inventories
  • acknowledgements for A-H, A-KN, A-MB, A-Wgm, CZ-Bu, D-OB, H-KE, H-PH, Hilscher, Gasche, and Tichý


  • TumW A.3 has been reclassified as A.S10. Thus, TumW A.4–57 have been renumbered to 3–56.
  • TumW C.2.2 has been merged to C.3.12. Thus, TumW C.2.3–9 have been renamed to C.2.2–8.
  • Subgroup D.2 has been completely revised, including several renumberings.
  • Group E has been renumbered to subgroup C.5. Thus, former subgroup C.5 has been renumbered to C.6, and groups F–M are now groups E–L.
  • Group E (formerly F) has been renamed to “Marian hymns”.
  • In group G (formerly H), the following entries have been renumbered: L9 → 20, L11 → 21, L8 → 22, L10 → L8, and L12 → L9. Moreover, TumW G.16 has been merged to G.14. Thus, TumW G.17–20 have been renamed to G.16–19.
  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.10.0


  • “Wondratsch” prefixes of all A-GÖ signatures

0.7.0 – 2024-10-12


  • works: TumW A.55–57/L12–14, C.3.L1/2, C.4./L1, D.1.S1, D.2.S1, F.1.6/7, F.3.L1/2, H.L1, I.4, K.21/L1-3, L.L2–5H.1/8/16, and I.3
  • incipits for TumW A.10/12, D.1.4, and G.5
  • metadata for TumW A.10/12, D.1.4, and G.5
  • short incipits for TumW A.55-57/L12-14, C.3.L1/2, C.4.L1, F.1.6/7, F.3.L1/2, H.1/8/16/L1, I.3, K.21/L1-3, and L.L2-5
  • references: Ball 1900, Bartos 2013, Bartos 2018, Brown 1996, Brtnice Inventory, Eybl 2011, Freeman 1992, Haberkamp 1986, MacIntyre 1984, Oppova 2013, Rajhrad Inventory A and B, Rampackova 2009, Sanders 1973, Schröder 1991, Slavicky 2004, Strakova 1963, 1965, Tichy 2014, and Tichy 2014b
  • sources:
    • A-SEI: E XV 2 a IV (1) and (2), E XVII 1 c I and II, E XXII 9 a, b and c
    • H-P: C 25
  • acknowledgements for A-SEI, A-WIL, A-Wps, and H-P


  • Within subgroup D.2, the following works have been renumbered: 3 → 11, 4/5 → 3/4, 6 → 9, 7 → 18, 8–11 → 5–8, 12 → 10, and 13–18 → 12–17.
  • Subgroup F.3 has been renumbered to F.4, since two (lost) Regina coeli have been added.
  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.9.0

0.6.0 – 2024-09-14


  • incipits for TumW D.3.8
  • metadata for TumW D.3.7/8
  • manual incipits for almost all works, since many incipits were previously missing in the catalogue
  • a new subgroup for Misereres (D.3)
  • reference Eybl 1996
  • acknowledgements for A-GÖ
  • information on the currently undiscoverable A-HE source for TumW H.19


  • Incipits for almost all sources (copies by Schmid) in D-Dl are now available. Thus, the sources previously summarized in TumW I.S1 and M.S2 could be assigned to their respective works.
  • Many works have been renumbered, reclassified, split, merged, or removed, as summarized in the following table (renumbering is not explicitly annotated).
old new notes
A.43 A.10 merged
A.44 A.43
A.45 A.44
A.46 A.45
A.47 A.46
A.48 A.47
A.49 A.15 merged
A.50 A.S8
A.51 A.S9
A.52 A.48
A.53 A.49
A.54 A.50
A.55 A.51
A.56 A.52
A.57 A.53
A.58 A.54
A.59 removed
A.60 removed
A.61 removed
A.62 removed
C.3.21 C.4.8
C.3.22 C.3.21
D.2.11 D.2.3 merged
D.2.5 D.2.5 to 7 split
D.2.6 D.2.8
D.2.7 D.2.9
D.2.8 D.2.10
D.2.9 D.2.11
D.2.10 D.2.12
D.2.12 D.2.13
D.2.13 D.2.14
D.2.14 D.2.15
D.2.15 D.2.16
D.2.16 D.2.17
D.2.17 D.3.1 new subgroup
D.2.18 D.3.2
D.2.19 D.3.3
D.2.20 D.3.4
D.2.21 D.3.5
D.2.22 D.3.6
D.2.23 D.3.7
D.2.24 D.3.8
D.2.25 D.3.9
D.2.26 D.2.18
D.3.x D.4.x
E.30 C.3.22
F.1.6 removed
H.21 H.S1
J.17 J.19
J.18 J.20
K.16 J.17/18 split
K.17 K.16
K.18 K.17
K.19 K.18
K.20 K.19
K.21 K.S1
K.22 K.20
M.3 M.2
M.4 J.21
M.5 M.3
M.6 J.22
  • Group D has been renamed (Vespers → Vespers and psalms).
  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.8.0


  • the catalogue in ODS format with incipits (data/catalogue_works.ods)

0.5.0 – 2024-08-09


  • incipits for TumW C.3.2 and H.7
  • The catalogue now also comprises spurious and lost works (with incipits where known).
  • Reference columns in the catalogue have been renamed: KliCh (Klinka), ReiMa (Reichert), PesMa (Peschek), and VogIn (Vogg).
  • references: Haberkamp 1993, Harich 1975, Kiesewetter 1847, Mitterschiffthaler 1997, Opatrny 2012, Sherman 2001, Štefan 1985, and St Peter Inventory


  • The bibliography now appears on a separate page.
  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.7.0


  • subgroups of masses (group A)

0.4.0 – 2024-07-13


  • manual incipits for TumW B.1 (Sequentia to Agnus Dei)
  • MEI metadata for TumW B.1
  • details on differences between the guidelines and those of WerW


  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.6.0

0.3.0 – 2024-06-30


  • manual incipits for TumW C.3.5/10/15
  • works in CZ-Pn


  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.5.0

0.2.0 – 2024-06-16


  • manual incipits for TumW A.3.4/14, B.1, C.2.6–8, C.3.7–9/11–13/17/18/20, D.1.4, D.2.6–9/16/22/23, F.2.8, F.3.2, G.1–3, H.19, I.1, J.1/4/6–8/13/15/16, K.6/9/10/13/14, and L.2/9


  • technically equivalent to WerW v0.4.0

0.1.0 – 2024-05-31


  • initial release