0.9.0 – 2025-01-18
- works: TumW C.3.23–26, D.2.4, E.4.3, and I.23–27
- incipits: TumW C.3.3, D.1.2 (Lauda Jerusalem), and D.3.1
- metadata: TumW C.3.3 and D.3.1
- sources:
- A-Ws
- H-Gk (details in metadata of TumW D.3.7)
- CZ-K 273 K I
- acknowledgements for A-Ws and H-Gk
- reference Freeman 1971
- concordances of previous catalogues to TumW in the appendix
- TumW D.2.4–20 have been renumbered to D.2.5–21.
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.11.0
0.8.0 – 2024-12-16
- works: TumW C.3.L3–11, C.4.L2+3, C.5.S1, C.6.1, D.1.L2, D.2.L1/2, D.3.L1/2, D.4.L1+2, E.4.L1/2, E.5.1–6, G.L2–12, I.L3–5, J.L4–9, and K.L6–8
- incipits for TumW A.35, C.2.1, C.4.5, C.5.S1, C.6.1, E.5.5, H.2, and J.19
- metadata for TumW A.17/27/35, C.2.1/5–7, C.3.1/2/4–13/15/17/18/20, C.4.5, D.2.5-8/17, D.3.6, E.2.8, E.4.2, E.5.5, F.1–3, G.7/18, H.1/2, I.1/4/6-8/13/15/16, J.6/13/14, and K.2/9
- sources:
- A-H inventories
- A-KN
- CZ-K
- TumW F.2: I-Rsc A-Ms 523
- TumW G.14: CZ-Pak 1518
- TumW I.11: A-M V/1438
- references: Armstrong 1993, 2004, Bardos 1980, Czernin 1995, Esterházy inventory 1812/13, Fischer 1912, Herzogenburg inventories A and B, Hornbacher 2023, Klosterneuburg inventories A, B, and E, Radant 1982, Preisl 2022, Schmid 1901, and Tichý 2019
- subgroups: D.5 Introits and F.5 Sub tuum praesidium
- an appendix Inventories, which contains tables describing the Herzogenburg inventories
- acknowledgements for A-H, A-KN, A-MB, A-Wgm, CZ-Bu, D-OB, H-KE, H-PH, Hilscher, Gasche, and Tichý
- TumW A.3 has been reclassified as A.S10. Thus, TumW A.4–57 have been renumbered to 3–56.
- TumW C.2.2 has been merged to C.3.12. Thus, TumW C.2.3–9 have been renamed to C.2.2–8.
- Subgroup D.2 has been completely revised, including several renumberings.
- Group E has been renumbered to subgroup C.5. Thus, former subgroup C.5 has been renumbered to C.6, and groups F–M are now groups E–L.
- Group E (formerly F) has been renamed to “Marian hymns”.
- In group G (formerly H), the following entries have been renumbered: L9 → 20, L11 → 21, L8 → 22, L10 → L8, and L12 → L9. Moreover, TumW G.16 has been merged to G.14. Thus, TumW G.17–20 have been renamed to G.16–19.
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.10.0
- “Wondratsch” prefixes of all A-GÖ signatures
0.7.0 – 2024-10-12
- works: TumW A.55–57/L12–14, C.3.L1/2, C.4./L1, D.1.S1, D.2.S1, F.1.6/7, F.3.L1/2, H.L1, I.4, K.21/L1-3, L.L2–5H.1/8/16, and I.3
- incipits for TumW A.10/12, D.1.4, and G.5
- metadata for TumW A.10/12, D.1.4, and G.5
- short incipits for TumW A.55-57/L12-14, C.3.L1/2, C.4.L1, F.1.6/7, F.3.L1/2, H.1/8/16/L1, I.3, K.21/L1-3, and L.L2-5
- references: Ball 1900, Bartos 2013, Bartos 2018, Brown 1996, Brtnice Inventory, Eybl 2011, Freeman 1992, Haberkamp 1986, MacIntyre 1984, Oppova 2013, Rajhrad Inventory A and B, Rampackova 2009, Sanders 1973, Schröder 1991, Slavicky 2004, Strakova 1963, 1965, Tichy 2014, and Tichy 2014b
- sources:
- A-SEI: E XV 2 a IV (1) and (2), E XVII 1 c I and II, E XXII 9 a, b and c
- H-P: C 25
- acknowledgements for A-SEI, A-WIL, A-Wps, and H-P
- Within subgroup D.2, the following works have been renumbered: 3 → 11, 4/5 → 3/4, 6 → 9, 7 → 18, 8–11 → 5–8, 12 → 10, and 13–18 → 12–17.
- Subgroup F.3 has been renumbered to F.4, since two (lost) Regina coeli have been added.
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.9.0
0.6.0 – 2024-09-14
- incipits for TumW D.3.8
- metadata for TumW D.3.7/8
- manual incipits for almost all works, since many incipits were previously missing in the catalogue
- a new subgroup for Misereres (D.3)
- reference Eybl 1996
- acknowledgements for A-GÖ
- information on the currently undiscoverable A-HE source for TumW H.19
- Incipits for almost all sources (copies by Schmid) in D-Dl are now available. Thus, the sources previously summarized in TumW I.S1 and M.S2 could be assigned to their respective works.
- Many works have been renumbered, reclassified, split, merged, or removed, as summarized in the following table (renumbering is not explicitly annotated).
old | new | notes |
A.43 | A.10 | merged |
A.44 | A.43 | |
A.45 | A.44 | |
A.46 | A.45 | |
A.47 | A.46 | |
A.48 | A.47 | |
A.49 | A.15 | merged |
A.50 | A.S8 | |
A.51 | A.S9 | |
A.52 | A.48 | |
A.53 | A.49 | |
A.54 | A.50 | |
A.55 | A.51 | |
A.56 | A.52 | |
A.57 | A.53 | |
A.58 | A.54 | |
A.59 | – | removed |
A.60 | – | removed |
A.61 | – | removed |
A.62 | – | removed |
C.3.21 | C.4.8 | |
C.3.22 | C.3.21 | |
D.2.11 | D.2.3 | merged |
D.2.5 | D.2.5 to 7 | split |
D.2.6 | D.2.8 | |
D.2.7 | D.2.9 | |
D.2.8 | D.2.10 | |
D.2.9 | D.2.11 | |
D.2.10 | D.2.12 | |
D.2.12 | D.2.13 | |
D.2.13 | D.2.14 | |
D.2.14 | D.2.15 | |
D.2.15 | D.2.16 | |
D.2.16 | D.2.17 | |
D.2.17 | D.3.1 | new subgroup |
D.2.18 | D.3.2 | |
D.2.19 | D.3.3 | |
D.2.20 | D.3.4 | |
D.2.21 | D.3.5 | |
D.2.22 | D.3.6 | |
D.2.23 | D.3.7 | |
D.2.24 | D.3.8 | |
D.2.25 | D.3.9 | |
D.2.26 | D.2.18 | |
D.3.x | D.4.x | |
E.30 | C.3.22 | |
F.1.6 | – | removed |
H.21 | H.S1 | |
J.17 | J.19 | |
J.18 | J.20 | |
K.16 | J.17/18 | split |
K.17 | K.16 | |
K.18 | K.17 | |
K.19 | K.18 | |
K.20 | K.19 | |
K.21 | K.S1 | |
K.22 | K.20 | |
M.3 | M.2 | |
M.4 | J.21 | |
M.5 | M.3 | |
M.6 | J.22 |
- Group D has been renamed (Vespers → Vespers and psalms).
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.8.0
- the catalogue in ODS format with incipits (
0.5.0 – 2024-08-09
- incipits for TumW C.3.2 and H.7
- The catalogue now also comprises spurious and lost works (with incipits where known).
- Reference columns in the catalogue have been renamed: KliCh (Klinka), ReiMa (Reichert), PesMa (Peschek), and VogIn (Vogg).
- references: Haberkamp 1993, Harich 1975, Kiesewetter 1847, Mitterschiffthaler 1997, Opatrny 2012, Sherman 2001, Štefan 1985, and St Peter Inventory
- The bibliography now appears on a separate page.
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.7.0
- subgroups of masses (group A)
0.4.0 – 2024-07-13
- manual incipits for TumW B.1 (Sequentia to Agnus Dei)
- MEI metadata for TumW B.1
- details on differences between the guidelines and those of WerW
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.6.0
0.3.0 – 2024-06-30
- manual incipits for TumW C.3.5/10/15
- works in CZ-Pn
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.5.0
0.2.0 – 2024-06-16
- manual incipits for TumW A.3.4/14, B.1, C.2.6–8, C.3.7–9/11–13/17/18/20, D.1.4, D.2.6–9/16/22/23, F.2.8, F.3.2, G.1–3, H.19, I.1, J.1/4/6–8/13/15/16, K.6/9/10/13/14, and L.2/9
- technically equivalent to WerW v0.4.0
0.1.0 – 2024-05-31
- initial release